Repairs and Maintenance
You may be wondering what happens if your mobility scooter develops a fault after you have been using it for a while. It is likely that you will want this fixed as soon as possible, especially if you have been relying on your scooter for essential journeys.
We can put you in touch with a nationwide network of experienced mobility scooter engineers who will visit your home to diagnose and fix the problem. There is a call out charge of £144 for this service, payable in advance. The service is provided by our partners Healthcare Distribution Direct.
If the faulty part is covered by the manufacturer's warranty, we will arrange for the new part to be sent to you, and an engineer to visit and replace the part to get you moving again. There is no cost for this service and the initial call out charge will be reimbursed.
If no fault is found, the faulty part is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty or the fault is due to wear and tear, or incorrect use, your would be required to pay for the repair and the call out charge will not be reimbursed.
It is important to keep your mobility scooter well-maintained to avoid unnecessary breakdowns and call outs. Recommended maintenance checks will be included in the information pack sent with your new scooter.
Annual servicing is recommended to keep your scooter in good condition, and to keep you safe. There are several local and national organisations who provide annual mobility scooter services. Please email info@mobilitybritain if you would like advice or contact details of appropriate organisations.